The Whole Plate Wellness Studio is in action!
Years of dreams, school, ideas, relationship building, and business growth have finally led to this point. It is real!
I have worked with many of you already and continue to work with many of you, whether it be as your health and wellness coach or as your personal trainer (or sometimes both!). And so many more of you I cannot wait to work with in the coming weeks, months, and years.
I'd like to use this post to lay out some basics about my business model, my studio policies, my mission, how to schedule, and to highlight upcoming events.
So, here we go!
I am an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Nutrition Coach, and Personal Trainer. These are my certifications and "creds," if you will.
I provide nutrition and wellness coaching in a 1:1, custom format as well as via long-term courses, single classes, and workshops. (NOTE: these will all be preceded by the term "NOURISH" on my platforms and scheduling)
I provide 1:1 personal training (tailored specifically to the client) in both 30-minute and 60-minute sessions in varying session packages. I also lead small fitness classes (max 5 people). My specialties include: running, run conditioning, bodyweight training, dumbbell and kettlebell training, Barre, Pilates, HIIT, core strength, and fitness fundamentals. (NOTE: these session types will all be preceded by the term "MOVEMENT")
I provide other sessions and events to address aspects of wellness and health "off the plate." GROWTH sessions emphasize learning/education related to wellness topics, typically a workshop format. CREATE sessions emphasize hands-on wellness such as cooking demos. RESTORE sessions emphasize mindfulness, relaxation, stress management and can include activities ranging from yoga to meditation to a nature walk to journaling to goal setting. COMMUNITY sessions emphasize social wellness and include things like social events (my open house, for example), potlucks, book clubs, recipe swaps, run groups, etc.
My mission is to be the support and accountability for clients to learn, incorporate, practice, improve, and establish healthier habits, both on and off the plate (this is Integrative Nutrition).
For those of you who have not yet seen the wellness studio, it is small. Perhaps "cozy" is a better term. :) It is not a sterile office, not a warehouse gym, not a medical facility. It is your place to practice and embrace being well and healthy. As such, personal training sessions are 1 client at a time, open workouts are 1 client at a time, and fitness classes and nutrition classes (excluding workshops and events) are open to a maximum of 5 people at a time. I love the idea of relatability, personalization, and a feeling of home.
I will release a digital version each month of the studio calendar. I will also post a wall calendar in the office. This calendar will list open workout times, workshop times and topics, and any other "open" slot that can be signed up for and filled. Open workout simply refers to you signing up for a 1-hour slot to come in and workout on your own in the studio. This costs $5, and it is a great way to stay consistent with your fitness routine, regardless of whether or not you are a 1:1 personal training client. You do not need to be one to use the open workout slots or to attend a small fitness class.
View the calendar here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFgH2gkkYE/VGb5fXXJclyDfE_yrESPCw/edit?utm_content=DAFgH2gkkYE&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
All available slots listed on the public calendar can be booked online at: www.jaimephealthcoach.com/book-online
Feel free to bring your own yoga mat.
I will provide filtered water, coffee, and often times some snack samples!
Those clients who are booked as 1:1 clients or in a long-term course: your sessions will NOT be listed on the public calendar.
How to book a free consult: visit www.jaimephealthcoach.com/book-online
1:1 Personal Training clients will have free access to Everfit, the app I am using for training/workouts/accountability.
For package pricing visit: www.jaimephealthcoach.com/plans-pricing
ALL sessions are scheduled. Please do not show up and ask to workout without scheduling it.
I will have displayed a "recipe of the week" in the studio with a bar code to scan so you can make it at home!
I have a limited selection of Whole Plate "merchandise" - more in the works.
The topics for workshops, the type of workout and level of difficulty, and other event details will be listed on the monthly calendars.
All private nutrition coaching, personal training, and nutrition course scheduling will be done privately. Contact me at jaimepalinchak@gmail.com with questions about these!
I have 3 Wellness Workshops in May!
Wednesday, May 10 at 6 pm: "Plant-Based Eating: What Is It and Why Is It Important?"
Monday, May 22 at 10 am: "The Role of Stress in Your Wellness"
Wednesday, May 31 at 6 pm: "Debunking Common Nutrition Myths"
May Small Fitness Classes (these are listed on the calendars as well)
Wednesday, May 3 at 5:30 pm = Core Burn: Intermediate/Bodyweight
Wednesday, May 17 at 5:30 pm = Pilates-Style Booty Burn: Intermediate/Bodyweight
Thursday, May 18 at 5 am = Total Body Strength: Beginner/Dumbbells/Bodyweight
Thursday, May 25 at 5 am = Barre-Style Pulse: Intermediate/Bodyweight
For a closer look at my nutrition/wellness coaching and course:

If you have a question, thought, comment, concern, goal.... let's talk!