Have you ever heard anyone say, “I love being on a restrictive diet!”
For most people (okay, probably all people), it’s not a pleasant experience. They dread starting—and can’t wait until it’s over. (This is so true, people joke about it.)
Now consider: How good is that for your overall health?
Sure, it might benefit you physically, at least at first. But what about the rest of you?
Many of us are so intent on changing how we look that we ignore the toll it can take on our mental and emotional health. But if the way you’re eating makes you feel deprived, drained, and miserable, it’s sure to negatively affect your mood, work productivity, sleep quality, and relationships. Why put in all the effort if you’re still going to feel unhappy and unfulfilled?
Plus, when you’re struggling mentally and emotionally, something eventually has to give.
That something is usually your diet.
This is why so many folks end up in the same place they started—or even worse off—even if they managed to make good progress initially.
I believe in a different approach.
One that starts with what you already love and builds on it—instead of ripping it away.
This helps you make decisions about your health and well-being without feeling restricted, guilty, or deprived.
How does it work?
First, I don’t ask you to diet or give you a list of permanent “off-limit” foods.
Instead, I ask, “Where do you most need help right now? And what are you already good at, that we can build on?” These answers help us, together, decide where you should focus.
It might be nutrition or exercise, but it could also be your sleep quality, your stress levels, or even your mindset. Because they’re all connected. Each one can improve the others—and multiply your ability to both make and maintain progress.
From there, we choose one daily action that’s most likely to help you make positive progress, no matter how small. It could be as simple as eating an extra serving of vegetables or protein at one meal a day. We see how you do for a couple of weeks, and then, if you’re successful, we call it a “win” and add to it.
And if you struggle?
We scale back a little, and try again.
Over time, we stack win on top of win on top of win. That’s how lasting changes—and amazing transformations—happen.
All of this may still seem too “basic” to work.
Or you might think, “It sounds way too slow! I need a faster fix!”
That’s completely understandable.
But you might feel this way because:
1. You’re accustomed to appealing ads that promise “six-pack abs in six weeks” or a “bikini body in 30 days.”
2. Your previous experiences have conditioned you to believe “this is how it has to be” (even if it didn’t actually work).
Fat loss “hacks” can be disappointing.
Because of this, it’s normal to feel uncomfortable by the lack of a strict diet or “detailed eating plan.”
Or maybe you think “making just one change at a time” sounds suspect for getting the kind of results you can see and feel.
If that’s the case, simply ask:
How’d the alternative work for you in the past?
If you feel good about the experience and the outcome—and where you are now—perhaps you’ve found what works for you.
But if you aren’t thrilled with your progress, or worse, you’re frustrated and discouraged…
It’s time for a new approach.
One that helps you transform your eating and lifestyle habits in a way that takes into account not just your physical health, but your mental and emotional health, too, so that you’re not miserable. You don’t feel deprived. And the great results you get don’t signal the end of your journey, they’re a by-product of a healthy lifestyle you enjoy.
That’s what coaching is all about: meetsing where you are and helping you get to where you want to be, one doable step at a time.
For more information on nutrition and wellness coaching, email me at jaimepalinchak@gmail.com
OR book a free consult: