As August begins each year and we hurtle toward another autumn, at times we feel desperate to do all the things so we don’t feel like we’ve wasted an entire summer.
Saying goodbye to summer stirs up emotions ranging from the joys of childhood memories to nostalgic remembrance of more recent summers and the excitement of our hopes and plans for the seasons to come.
Don’t let a day of the month go by without doing something enjoyable. Get outside if you can.
Recapture some of those happy childhood memories. If you don’t remember your own summers as fun, take the opportunity now to do the things you always wish you had so you can enjoy the last days of summer.
If you have children of your own, build new happy memories with them.
“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen – that stillness becomes a radiance.” – Morgan Freeman
How often do you take the time to be still? Our lives have become so busy that we rarely indulge in stillness.
Yet, August is the perfect time to do exactly that. Step back from the rush of preparing for the next season. Take time each day to sit and be still. If you can get outside and sit in nature, even better!
“Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” – Jim Rohn
This is so true. Do you ever find yourself thinking ‘I wish summer would end and autumn would just GET HERE.’ Or you tell yourself that after X and Y happen, then you will have time to do something that makes you happy.
Don’t do that to yourself. Don’t wish for time to disappear, and don’t base your happiness on passing certain milestones.
Instead, create happiness every day. Trust me, come December or 20 years from now, you’ll be glad you took every opportunity to be happy.
“August is like the Sunday of summer.” – Unknown
Isn’t it, though? There are so many conflicting emotions about Sundays, and the exact same is true about the last days of summer.
You think about all the things you wish you had accomplished.
You try to fit in just a few more of those things before ‘real life’ begins again.
You bemoan the end of the lazy time, yet you relish the idea of getting back into a regular routine.
Often we enjoy pretty words or statements that provoke deep thoughts but forget to take the next step.
DO THOSE THINGS. Build your best life…

August is the perfect time for reflection, for embracing the moment, and for setting yourself up for betterment, whatever that entails for you.
It is goal setting time.
As we approach the shift in seasons and the return to a more routine daily schedule, take the time now to get clear on what YOU want to be, what you can change, what shift in mindset and action you can take to make yourself a priority.
Need a little help clarifying your goal? Read this:
In the meantime, make the most of what August has to offer. Starry skies, lazy afternoons, sunshine, and green grass.
Don't forget to enjoy the seasonal fruits and vegetables at peak this month!

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