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Writer's picturejaimepalinchak

Be Plant-Powered and Fit! Save Your Spot Today!

The road to a happy, healthy, strong, fit you is taken day by day, mile by mile, bite by bite... thought by thought, action by action.

It is a series of choices, decisions, and habits.

What is your motivation for exploring the many benefits of plant-based eating?

Are you looking for a more mindful way to eat?

Are you looking to improve your fitness level?

Do you want to recover more quickly from workouts?

Do you want more restful sleep?

Do you want a TON of beautiful, nourishing plant-based recipes you can make at home to fuel yourself and your family in an optimal way?

While the possible reasons are numerous, your unique goals are yours to claim and yours to make actionable.

Here's a sneak peak of what is included in my 3-Month Plant Powered and Fit Program for Runners (and any active individual, just like you!):

Weekly Goals with small, concrete action steps.

Weekly Meal Plan Recommendations with recipes and grocery lists.

Weekly plant-based eating tips and educational information.

Weekly motivation via video or podcast from some of the world's most renowned plant-based advocates.

Weekly journaling, accountability, and worksheets.

Weekly training tips.

Weekly tips and recipes designed specifically for pre-, post-, or mid-workout fueling.

And much more!

Plus, you will have access to a discussion group of likeminded individuals going through the same program at the same time.

I cannot wait to join in the fun with you... you will not want to miss this opportunity to make your health and fitness a top priority.

Sign up here (program begins August 1):

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